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Payment Methods

All of our invoices are in the local currency, and GST is added as we are registered for GST in both Australia and New Zealand.

Payment options for Australian orders are:
(Note that cheques are not accepted)

  1. Direct credit into our CBA bank account;
    BANK: Commonwealth Bank
    BSB: 062000
    ACCOUNT: 13099181
    NAME: The Essents Company Ltd
      (Use order#s as reference)
  2. theESSENTSco also accept payment by Visa and Mastercard (American Express excluded).

Payment options for New Zealand orders are:

  1. Send cheque to : The ESSENTS Co, PO Box 202003 South Gate, Takanini 2246,  Auckland.
  2. Direct Credit into our ASB bank account;                   
    BANK: ASB Manurewa
    NAME: The Essents Company Ltd
    ACCOUNT: 12-3032-0215640-000
      (Use order#s as reference)
  3. theESSENTSco also accept payment by Visa and Mastercard (American Express excluded).