Our collections are designed in New Zealand and produced by small factories in India. Every year we visit India to discuss new designs and new colours for the NZ market. We also visit the factories and make sure that the best practices are always used, and that they follow global standards such the Global Organic Textiles Standard. This accounts for not only the fabric but the environment, sustainability and fair working conditions.
Why India? India is a country of colour, handcraft and craftsmanship, we love it! The people are friendly and great to deal with and as such we have built up many great relationships, both business and personal.
Most of our designs are hand screen printed on big long tables (some up to 30m long) and dried in the very warm air. It is amazing to watch the dexterity and skill in lining up a screen and passing it to their co-worker back and forth to produce our beautiful patterns. Our paradise print uses 17 individual screens and 17 different colours, it is utterly amazing watching the fabric come to life.
The paint that is used is ecological and the water from the cleaning of the screens is filtered and re-used. Plastic is used sparingly and most of the time is recycled. We are constantly talking about how we can get everything produced sustainably.
We hope our products brighten up homes and lives and provide a way to create a new look in your home without it putting a hole in your wallet.
Contact us to enquire about an account with Blazing Daisy Limited, and we will endeavor to get back to you quickly.
Serena @ Blazing Daisy